Shadi elaridi

Success Story SHADI ELARIDI  Back in 2014, Shadi joined Fast & Curious original team in search of a new challenge that aligns with his passion. He excelled in his work in the research and project section of the FLL competition contributing to his team’s victory in the FLL World Robotics Read more…

Spike Prime Objectives:

Spike Prime Objectives Introduce students to text-based coding with python Engage students through playful learning activities to think critically and solve complex problems, regardless of their learning level Engage students in thinking critically, analyzing data, and prototyping creative hands-on solutions for complex problems with real-world relevance Build students’ confidence and Read more…

Spike Essential Objectives:

Spike Essential Objectives Engage students in hands-on investigation of STEAM concepts while contributing to their literacy, math, and social-emotional development Excite students and deliver strong STEAM learning outcomes Enhance students’ STEAM knowledge, practices, and 21st-century skills Make students confident life-long learners by giving them unlimited possibilities for hands-on, playful STEAM Read more…

Scratch Objectives:

Scratch Objectives Build students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills  Allow students to create original works as a means of personal or group expression Train students to exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity Enhance communication and collaboration between students in an environment of Read more…

Scratch jr. Objectives:

Scratch JR. Objectives Allow children to create and program characters and bring them to life through simplified programming. Enhance students’ personal, social and emotional development Introduce young people to programming in alignment with supporting their personal development Upgrade students’ cognitive and problem-solving skills