Fast & Curious strive to provide a unique learning experience, investing our expertise in the bright young minds of this generation. But this is only one end of the cycle. It continues as our students contribute back to us with new innovative solutions and thinking perspectives, allowing our methods to advance and our exposure to widen.


Countries including the Arab world, Europe, and USA
Competing in 0 +
in Arabic, French and English
0 Courses
Around the world
0 + Nationalities
Of Fast & Curious alumni students
0 % are Females
Local, regional amd international
0 + Awards
Annual alumni family expansion
0 + Members

By Coach Charbel Najjar

“Our secret lies in this powerful cycle of teaching and learning. At Fast & Curious, we strive to provide a unique learning experience, investing our expertise in the bright young minds of this generation. But this is only one end of the cycle. It continues as our students contribute back to us with new innovative solutions and thinking perspectives, allowing our methods to advance and our exposure to widen. Inspired by the curiosity of today’s young leaders, I can proudly claim that my students are my greatest teachers”.

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